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Easy To Use Government Websites
Intelli-Leap creates easy to use government websites designed for municipalities and counties.
User friendly
User-friendly and powerful applications within each site enables clients to manage their online presence with functionality and style.
Easy to Use
Intelli-Leap websites come with web applications that allow residents to be a part of their government and participate more in their community!
Intelli-Leap uses responsive web design to make sure government websites can be viewed and used from computers, tablets, and phones.
Each website design is customized to each client’s needs. We use our diverse experience to create tools that help you function within the different departments of government.
Intelli-Leap walks you through what we do in a language that makes sense to you. We make sure you are comfortable with knowing how to use new tools and applications. We work with you to make sure all applications integrate with any already existing systems and meet your goals and needs. We also offer training on maintaining the website we build for other customers that wish to be more hands-on but also offer content editing and system management services.

The tools you need to run government can be solved by simple plug-in or may need to be custom designed applications. Intelli-Leap has the experience to meet your needs and help you succeed.